Why is Allie so Thirsty! She used to seem like she was so confident just on her own but my god. Girl Drew does not want you! At least not now. Clearly she didnt catch the hint when "I gotta do homework on a friday night" was his excuse for not wanting to go to the dance with her, but when she started writing his essay for him I thought maybe he was using her to get him to do his work for him... but then to find out he didnt ask her, and didnt even know she was doing it?? THIRSTY!
On another note, Holly J and Sav?? Ok forget the fact that Sav used to go out with her replaced-by-Fiona-used-to-be-best-friend Anya, but if im not mistaken didn't Holly J try to screw Sav's life up... twice?! The first time by convincing him to tell her a secret which was about his future arranged marriage, which she told Anya, and then the second time when she convinced Anya to lie about the existence of a human life! And now Sav has just magically let all that go and make out with her. smh. Sidenote, why did he think it was a bad thing that they cancelled the band slam? He only had one act!
One last thing. Fiona, get some help.
Ok so now Drew wants Alli after she has now decided to either be over him, or act like she is. Alli pretty niave and does some outrageous and dangerous things. Sexting, breaking promises, and now add plagerism to the list. But all these crazy antics somehow seem to always get her the most unattainable guys and I dont know why. Anyway, so apparently the show hasnt just decided not to acknowledge Sav and Anya's past. I'm not going to judge them for this little forbidden romance, I mean you cant help who you fall for. I mean not that I condone going after your friends very recent ex, especially after trying to break them up, but anyway I just hope this doesnt become an issue for her friendship with Anya and I hope Sav doesnt end up just being a rebound in case Declan shows back up.
STOP! I am a completely straight, non gender indentity issues teenager girl but I am a huge advocate for LGBTQ rights. If Adam was born Gracie but wants to be Adam than thats his business. And honestly this episode made me look at things a little different. I always believed that you were a male or female by whats between your legs but I now believe that your gender depends on whats between your ears. I feel that Adam should be allowed to be whatever gender he wants to be. And those dudes throwing him through a door? Total HATE CRIME. If they thought Adam was any other regular girl they would never have treated a female that roughly. Sidenote, I didn't know adam and drew were brothers. I've never even seen them talk before. And I'm sure their mom saying "her" and trying to convince him to act like gracie doesn't make it any easier for him. Bianca's a bitch by the way. I wish that everyone could be who they wanted to be and everyone had equal rights and just be accepted for their own choices.
Bottom line. Adam shouldnt have to be Gracie if he does not want to. But he should also understand that itll take his parents and family time to accept it. I wonder how Anya will react when she realizes that Holly J told her she was with Sav.
I would tell u all tha things that r wrong wit ya post but I'm gonna be nice and say do ur history b4 u blog
research on what? its a tv show im not talking about anyones real personality and nothing can be wrong about an opinion.
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