Saturday, January 7, 2012

So... We sue dead folks now?

I got the info on this story from this website:

Basically there was a kid who was trying to catch a train

And to try and catch said train is was running on tracks... 

...where another train was coming

Bottom line, he gets hit by the train

    Not only hit really his body got fuckin blasted and splattered

So then his body gets splattered, and his parts hit a woman waiting on the platform

She falls or whatever and breaks her leg and her wrist

here's the kicker...

She decided to SUE the estate of the teenager because she got hit with his body parts!!!!!

And the court system agreed with her saying that
"the boy's death was "reasonably foreseeable" and that his estate can be held responsible for his negligence."

Ok I sort of see both sides to this

On the One hand
This woman was hit by something
but not only was shit just like hit and got her shirt a little blood stained
she actually sustained injury which likely will cause her to miss work
and she's 58 who knows what kind of condition she was in before this?
Her bills aren't going to stop coming because she got hurt
and like the court said the boy's actions were reasonable foreseeable in the sense that...
....a train is not a ninja
trains go 70 miles an hour
and the arent quiet, or small so I am so sure this boy saw this train coming
and his hot ass wanted to take a risk and be speed racer
This woman feels as though someone did something stupid and she deserves some compensation 
since she was a victim in his dumbness


On the Other hand
Suing a dead person?
These peoples' child just got his body splattered and your come up like I need some money
I'm sure they're going through a lot
This does NOT sound easy
not only to lose their child but his body is torn apart
and now they have to go through court drama
and this woman trying to place blame and shit
it seems greedy
and it is

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